i was watching helen of troy, right?
then i disconnected, turned off the computer and paused the movie so i could eat..
..and watch a show in star world.. ehe Ü
when i got back..
i continued the movie..
i fell a sleep! 
then i woke up at 1:30..
went to the bathroom..
when i got back to my room..
there was a cockroach on my blinds!
shit dude!
the blinds are near my bed!
im gonna try to finish the movie today.. ehe Ü
war of the worlds..
daniel wanted to watch it..
then humph
(who was absent that day.. but was at town.. tsktsk..
asked if i was watching..
ehh.. i didnt have any plans on watching a movie..
when i got to town..
the movie already started..
when daniel and i were gonna buy tickets..
sold out..
nyahah.. ahwell.. Ü
that night..
my mom asked me shit..
can you guess about what and why? 
nyahah Ü