on procrastination Posted on March 11, 2007 (March 7, 2012) by dccm1021 so what else is new? exam week = procrastination for me =)) after studying for fil last night.. I was too blah to study math or whatever.. haha ended up watching TV.. from veronica mars to OTH to something something.. to the little mermaid! =)) even HSM =| and I found out that.. arial’s the 2nd hottest disney princess =)) 1st is jasmine.. well for me =Þ and.. prince erik(?) and aladdin look alike =)) also wendy(from peter pan) and alice(in wonderland) haha they all look alike =Þ I like what sebastian(?) said to.. uhm.. arial’s dad “children should be free to live” err.. something like that.. haha ::on the petition::