mouse-over the pic!! Ü
that’s the only solo pic I have of you.. =Þ
if you’re using firefox..
I don’t think you’ll be able to read the whole thing..
just read this..
hahhha!! =Þ

pepi ~ one of SB’s best script writers.. perfectionist.. haha =Þ used to always criticize my grammar in my blog.. =Þ hated it when I had long entries in my blog.. =Þ I still can’t believe you’re younger than me.. =| ohh!! ginago namin ni brian last year sa chat.. haha.. about the filipino project thing.. hahaha =Þ I don’t know if you remember that.. but anyway…. fefer erflen.. err was that ay-fee/ey-fee.. ewan.. haha =Þ my partner in the dance competition.. haha.. basta.. *we were are still that DAMN good!* Ü