unexpectedly went to town today..
ehe.. not really Ü
saw gaille and justin..
then met up with amanda and humphrey(if he’s gonna blog about this.. it wouldnt be this detailed.. ehe
they gave me a slice salad pizza.. ehe..Ü
then i ate at tenderbob’s..
but i couldnt eat ’cause i kept on laughing..
nyahaha Ü
bonded with amanda.. ehe Ü
amanda ONLY.. nyahaha Ü
humph kept calling my food chicken breast..
take note: i bought food from tenderbob’s..
if you know me.. i only eat one thing there.. 
blahblahblah.. bonding..
kept singing “here’s a letter”
ehe Ü
then we went around..
amanda had to leave at 3 ’cause of the sona thing..
err.. ?
went to Cinderella..
then rustans..
then walked outside rustans..
then amanda bought icecream..
stayed in front of coffee bean..
then met up with my parents..
found out that i still had 10mins to go around..
so we brought amanda to starbucks ‘cuase it was already 3pm..ehe Ü
then went around one last time..
then we saw joey..(graduate..)
then i left..
’cause we had to bring gaille home..
and i had to learn poi..
i could finally do a poi-trick..
nyahah Ü