so the date isn’t final..
but what im sure is:
my mom asked me shit again..
how does she know?!?!
how the hell does she know!?!?!??!
if you want to know what my mom asked..
make a guess.. ehe Ü
then I’ll tell you if it’s correct..
I don’t think everyone could go ’cause july9 is this Saturday..
that’s my mom’s birthday.. (shit! i don’t have a gift yet!!)
that’s when gia’s celebrating her bday..
brian can’t go..
anna and the other’s have plans..
hans’ birthday!!! Ü (that’s why he wants the party on this day ehe Ü)
LSYC camp.. if im not mistaken.. pepi, leiron and divine joined..
that’s my lolo’s birthday!! whaaa!!
please say nobody has plans on that day!
it’s gonna be on a Saturday.. ehe Ü
it’s gonna be at daniel’s house..
how the hell-?
it’s gonna be from 6pm up to whatever..