lately I’ve been having these random urges haha
First, I suddenly want to read a book
so I went around PowerBooks not knowing what to look for haha
then I remembered I Angel was reading a book before that I never finished
so I plan to borrow it from her haha
Next, I wanted to learn how cook o_o
I don’t know how to cook
or bake
or fry
or crack an egg haha!
but yesterday, Bea and I made Nutella cupcakes with Fererro 8D~
they were good hahah
then we had this chicken that was dipped in some sweet sauce
just like BonChon
I saw how they made it and I wanna try it!
Now, I THINK I want to put up a nail salon just so I can buy all the pretty, yet expensive, nail polishes out there haha
’cause I like painting my nails =D
I just don’t like buying a bottle of polish which I can never finish ’cause I don’t like reusing the color haha
but there are these designs I wanna try!
well I’ve tried the gradient nails
first try was a fail,
second was okay haha
I have this plan to go to a nail salon and have a manicure but I’ll be the one to put the gradient since I can’t find a place that does it haha
I’ve also tried the marble nails
such fail hahaha
I just wasted water =))
haven’t tried it again since =))
so there
3 random urges haha
I don’t know if this is like a quarter life crisis or something
but I’m only turning 23 hahaha