*ctrl+click to enlarge*
- that picture was our first HW in natsca..
- we were told to get a nature picture and make an abstract based on its colors
- and.. uhh..yea
- I thought it was suppose to be done traditionally and not digitally =))
- I just did the digital one as a basis for the traditional one
- and obviously….
- I am not good with oil pastels =))
- so yes. natsca.
- at first….as in nung wala pa kaming prof =))
- I heard exam and essays =|
- reasons why I “failed” in school as a kid haha
- then this afternoon, I heard NO written exam!
- awesomenesssauceeeee 8D
- so yea.
- I can sense this subject to be worry-free and fun =))
- hmm hmm hmm
- even though I wanna fix my layout now,
- as in this very momentttt
- I still have a paper to do for biz
- ew…..paper…..
- allergic ako sa Word, okay! =))
- woooo! 2am, ngayon pa lang ako magsisimula
- so not awesome =))