when I started the episode, I knew I was going to cry =(
I actually didn’t want them to end =(
I wanted gossip girl to end, but that’s only because I’m getting lost in their story line already haha
there are actually a lot of season finales that One Tree Hill could’ve ended it ’cause it wasn’t a cliffhanger
but this by far is the best season finale they’ve done =’)
so much words! I don’t know where to begin!
well I hated that they kept fastforwarding in between seasons
I hated that the cast kept changing and only kept a few from the first season
I hated that Bevin came back in the last season but not Payton =(
most of all
I hated that they ended the series already =((
they were a big part of my highschool(well mostly 3rd and 4th year even though they started when I was in gr7 haha) and college years =(
some of the best songs I know were songs I heard in the show
some of the best SINGERS I know are from that show
eg. Bethany Joy, Kate Voegle
the best love story: Haley and Nathan
they made me want to have a love story like theirs =(
and it was ’cause of their wedding episode that made me fall in love with the song Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol
it made me want to have that as my wedding song =(
and their quotes!
and their life lessons!
the writers never fail to make me cry ='(
most of the fans are wondering what’s next for the actors of One Tree Hill
I want to know what the next show of Mark Schwahn and the writers!
without them, I might’ve not watched the show
they’re awesome! =D
“So make a wish. Do you have it? Good. Now Believe in it…with all your heart.”