when I was a kid,
I used to play this pc game called Dogz
there was also a cats version called Catz haha
I would gets to adopt any dog or cat that I want and I get to feed it, play with it, dress it up etc =))
as in parang pet talaga =))
last week, as I Was procrastinating =))
I tried to look for a bunny version
and there was!
but it was only for DS =|
then I found one for PC 8D
101 bunny pets 8D
heeyay! downloaded! haha
at first I couldn’t get it to install
but Jet helped me (free cerialicous for you 8D)
but my laptop couldn’t handle it =(
I installed it in the desktop
yeah! procrastination =))
there would be some glitches but at least it works 8D
I will now fix my layout so I can post the nastca blog haha