i owe people greetings.. 
belated happy birthday: andy (7/12) humphrey (7/13) sir cortel (7/13) and miss kimPERFECT (7/15)
belated happy monthsery: annamyekll (7/14) samjose (7/15)
and.. happy birthday to my mom.. Ü
wow.. non-stop.. ehe Ü
detailed version..
watched fantastic 4 with..
humphrey.. joey.. jerome.. dana.. carrie.. ina.. mitchie..
i agree with humph..
ang ingay talaga ni joey.. kahit saan sulok ng town lakas ng boses.. 
when will there be a time where joey will keep his mouth shut when watching a movie?
after the movie..
saw ysa Ü
then.. went to silver works..
uhm.. why again?
then.. went around the 2nd floor..
then to south supermarket..
for no reason.. ehe Ü
then.. around..
carrie and mitchie had to go..
we brought dana to the foodcourt cuz she had to leave..
then went to shakeys..
ordered a “high-protein pizza” 
then ina left..
saw gus..
joey was hiding from someone..
then got the bill..
i forgot to get the receipt.. shux..
then timezone!
used up all the free games we had.. ehe Ü
joey and gus played time crisis..
if you know joey..
he could finish that game in one swipe..
donno if he did.. ehe Ü
humph and i played airhockey..
haha! loser!! 3-1!
then racing..
first game.. i was 2nd..
second game.. err.. 3rd? i think..
last game..
ha! was satisfied..
was first all the way until the end..
i was 2nd..
so what.. gus and joey/jerome lost against me..
ehe Ü
then joey and jerome left..
so did gus..
humph and i waited for my dad at starbucks..
then we left..
dad bought another pair of drumsticks..
aysus.. like we have a drumset here..

detailed version..