christmas tree..ehe.. no reason.. Ü just wanna put this.. ehe.. Ü the pink thing in the middle.. its not that clear.. but anyway.. thats my “christmas tree” ehe.. its like that thing in chris’ guest house.. uh.. can’t describe it.. ehe.. Ü
we dont have a christmas tree at home thats why thats my christmas tree.. nyaha.. the last time we had a christmas tree here was 2000.. i think.. ehe.. Ü now thats my “tree” after opening my gifts.. the one on the left.. nyhaha!!! Ü
i watched this movie a few days ago.. and i love the house in the movie!! ehe.. Ü but chris’ house is better.. (naks!) nyaha.. Ü
i got a lot of snoopy stuff this year!! Ü especially clocks (thanks hans.. and also the 2 guys who bought there gifts infront of me.. nyaha.. Ü hi pepi.. hi victor.. Ü) and socks (thanks lyca, alvin and victor agian.. Ü) at least chris gave me a snoopy wallet.. ehe.. Ü thanks!! Ü ooh!! 2 people gave me snoopy stuff toys!! thanks china and joey!!! Ü thanks also to the other people who gave me gifts.. Ü uh.. nani.. mojofly cd ko?? ehe.. Ü gaille!! smores ko??? nyahha!! Ü
okidokie.. Ü gotta go now.. Ü gotta get up early.. Ü