my mom texted me asking if i could find a way to town..
nani was going.. Ü
so i told my mom that i was going with nani..
she told me to TELL my dad..
take note: TELL!
so i texted him..
wen i was already inside nani’s car..
my dad kept on calling..
i couldnt answer it ’cause i couldnt hear him whenever he calls me..
the only way i could hear him clearly is if i put him on loudspeaker..
but i couldnt do that cuz i was already in nani’s car..
then my mom called!
ak! i couldnt answer her either..
so i texted her asking why..
she asked if i CALLED my dad telling him that i was going to town..
i said that i texted him..
then she got mad at me cuz she said that she told me to CALL dad..
damn! my dad was already in school when i left for town!
so wen i got in our car.. my dad got mad at me..
bright side..
our mural was chosen by the class..
well.. kinda.. ehe Ü
my point is..
the beautiful mural outside our classroom is made by our group..
hell yeah! 

bright side..