got chocolate from chesa (thanks! =Þ) as my token thing..
ehe =Þ
then the joey and carlo were asking a bite from it..
so I was all..
“fine.. go ahead..”
so ya..
carlo took a bite..
and joey…..
ran with my chocolate!
trusting him (which I should stop doing to them..)
I didn’t go after him..
then I realized he wasn’t coming back..
I went after him..
then carlo followed..
then I lost them..
I went back to gate3..
carlo said they finished it..
then I went up to get my bag..
tried to call joey..
but his phone wasn’t turned on.. =|
got my bag..
then I found joey..
only 1/4 was left of my chocolate! >=(
joey! you owe me chocolate!
carlo! you owe me crepe!
humph! I owe you a fixed layout!
neil! I owe you a cd/s.. haha =Þ