lunch time..
got a piece of chocolate from nani..
which was melted..
so what i did..
i placed it on the vent of the aircon..
nyahahah Ü
we have a ref in our classroom!!
nayhahah!! Ü
after geom..
i got my chocolate from jimmo..
i placed it in my pocket..
i was planning to eat it during recess..
or computer time.. ehe Ü
i forgot about it!!
i only remembered it when i was at town and i was trying to get my walet..
and it was melted again!!
so what i did..
i placed it on the vent of the air con in the car..
before i got down..
i already ate it.. nyahah Ü
guess who i saw at town..
yes.. my cousin.. who owes me..Ü
btw.. she’s just an inch taller than me now! yay! Ü
tall and pretty.. just like someone’s crush..
ehe Ü
when i asked for my money..
she was like..
“huh? when?”
showed her a text that she sent me before..
she was like..
“i said that? really?”
i could use that to pay my bill!!!
its either she’s denying it..
or she wasn’t the one who asked for load..
could have been someone who just said that she’s dawn..

i think i know who!!!