so.. oralcom 1st speech about friends vs bestfriend I was the 1st to talk in the last day.. new speechessss and I’m the 1st in the 1st day!! =(( for both kinds of speeches =(( one on wednesday: talk about snoopy =)) one on aug4: demonstrative speech.. ak.. gotta poop =)) […]
Category: Uncategorized
on 5320
booo.. right when I already have the phone I want.. they come out with an XpressMusic viersion of it =( ohwell.. when I’m working =)) ::on mac’s printscreen =)):: […]
on my topic
oralcom speech.. draw lots on the topic.. at first I wanted the “favorite character and why” but someone already got it =( so I chose another one that I hoped to get… then when we were already drawing lots.. I got it!! weee!!!! =D the topic… would you like to be a best friend to […]
on cleaning the desktop =))
so.. I have 4columns of files and stuff in my desktop =)) decided to move them somewhere else =)) and now.. only 1column left! =)) then I said to my slef… ang cleanis!!! wtf?!?!?! =| that’s worse than reggie’s “two daan” or “dalawang hundred” =)) ::on goodtimes: boracay:: […]
on a simcard reader! =DDD
found out about this in goodtimes with mo again ahh the things you hear in the radio =)) they were talking about spying on your gf/bf/husband/wife =)) then mo says that there is a device that can connects your simcard to your pc… and you get to see your old messaged! as in the ones […]
on my theory about…..
my previous post! =)) here it goes… 1. whoever owns that accnt is not really her.. so poser..2. she doenst have big boobs.. so photoshopped =))3. fake ung boobs! =))4. lalake siya!! with the sex change and all!!! =))5. vanessa h. feeler =))6. she made those shots for her BF.. but then she dumped him.. […]
on growing some……………
ok so.. big boob girl in friendster.. found by humphrey.. snet to ken.. sent to carlo.. sent to me lastnight =)) this morning.. carlo: they’re so I know!!carlo: they’re like.. so… bigme: what do you want me to do? =|carlo: ……grow some!me: ………………..carlo: plant like.. siliconme: ……………….. so.. yea.. ek =| […]
on the plan for the day that didn’t push thorugh =(
we were suppose to go to town for katriz’s bday treat.. I woke up at 11.. dad left to get gello and mommy in QC.. was wating for carlo who woke up at 1 =| so.. late.. and.. no ride =| stuck at home starving =| then I ordered Brother’s Burger for myself and got […]
on get smart
watched it with carlo yesterday.. ..and his parents but they were in a different row.. so get smart.. argued on anne hathaway’s….. stuff =)) they’re big ok! =)) it just wasnt obvious =)) you know what;s weird? someone staples paper on your head.. and yet you dont bleed =| oooowwwww =| or.. you hit yourslef […]
on games
I dont have patience for gamesss!!!!! I have never finished a game that I started playing.. ok maybe 3.. the rugrats game in PSP back in 2001 =)) that took me a year! =)) ohh! snoopy PC game! that took me a day =)) and Diner Dash in the PSP biggest achievement.. I finished it […]