on my topic

oralcom speech.. draw lots on the topic.. at first I wanted the “favorite character and why” but someone already got it =( so I chose another one that I hoped to get… then when we were already drawing lots.. I got it!! weee!!!! =D the topic… would you like to be a best friend to […]

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on get smart

watched it with carlo yesterday.. ..and his parents but they were in a different row.. so get smart.. argued on anne hathaway’s….. stuff =)) they’re big ok! =)) it just wasnt obvious =)) you know what;s weird? someone staples paper on your head.. and yet you dont bleed =| oooowwwww =| or.. you hit yourslef […]

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on games

I dont have patience for gamesss!!!!! I have never finished a game that I started playing.. ok maybe 3.. the rugrats game in PSP back in 2001 =)) that took me a year! =)) ohh! snoopy PC game! that took me a day =)) and Diner Dash in the PSP biggest achievement.. I finished it […]

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