hypocrite.. sad.. shows that people do change.. and it sucks.. […]
Category: Uncategorized
on makeup
I think I need to buy makeup now =)) hindi yung cheap ah! =)) as in like.. para hindi na humiram kay anna =)))))))))) […]
on why I’m still up
since I don’t wanna sleep yet (but I have to =)) ) I checked wiki for the list of songs the top13 sang on AI for the Michael Jackson week.. which led to me clicking on each of the songs =)) (which was what I’ve been practically doing for the weekend =)) ) at the […]
on fine
as long as I don’t read TMZ/ET.. I will be fine.. as long as I listen to a different artist.. I will be fine =)) it still hasn’t sunk in.. but at least I’ll be able to work! =)) I will be fine.. ..with school =)) […]
on a pulse
there was one when he was found?? f………………. =| […]
on MJ
I am annoyed that when I see his face.. it reminds me of my old prof in philo(college, not HS =P) and that prof is a girllll =| never liked that prof, thats why =)) another thing I’m annoyed at, is that he’s so white! ok sana kung rosy white, pero hindi eh.. he’s like.. […]
on transformationers =))
I wanna watch transformationers =)) going to tagaytay yes as in now =| be back in a bout 6hrs =| ohh I can bring this lapytop =DDD […]
on shocking
a lot can happen in 2days.. or you can find out a lot in 2days.. I am in shock for 3 things.. well 2 lang ung isa parang.. ohh exciting =)) […]
on morning random-ness
I suddenly want my Lays BBQ back =( I saw a video of baby snoopy.. I want a baby snoopy as a pet =( I have changed my bouncing panda cursor to an eeyore cursor =D I have black and pink with glitter nails =DDD potek.. we have class on july26.. sunday class pa talagaaa […]
on my nails =D
I have finished watching 6teen in youtube =)) I am now downloading chorale videos in multiply.. to re-upload in youtube =)) and I have painted my toe nails pink! and my finger nails black =)) […]