anyway.. happy birthday ysa!!! ÜÜÜ
not everyone came.. not even half.. ehe.. Ü but at least we got to accomplish some parts.. ehe.. Ü i got annaL and alvin at town ’cause they were going with me to daniel’s house.. when we got there.. the 3 of us.. plus nani and chris.. went to gate3 to get hans and pepi.. no.. wait.. just nani actually.. Ü me.. anna.. alvin.. and chris.. ditched him to go to steffi’s house!! nyaha.. Ü when we got back to daniel’s house.. berna and angelic came.. that’s when we started the practice.. Ü jose came.. nyahah.. he was calling the dog.. then suddenly.. the dog barked and jumped on him.. nyahah.. jose got scared!! anna and alvin left early.. jose and chris brought them to steffi’s house.. Ü then after the practice.. the guys just played ps2.. then brena left ’cause she still had to go to town to buy ysa a gift.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YSA!! ÜÜÜ then jose left.. then i left.. ’cause i had to go to cuenca.. alot of people were at cuenca!! thats why anna and alvin left early.. nyaha.. Ü so that they could go with steffi to cuenca.. nyhaha.. Ü
before i leave.. i just want to say.. SB!!!! practice on monday at chris’ big.. so big.. so very big.. nice house.. Ü after lunch.. i think.. Ü ask hans!!