on youtube short films Posted on November 28, 2012 (November 28, 2012) by dccm1021 there are these awesome videos that I watched in youtube that I’ve been wanting to post the first one is Purality when I watched it, it reminded me of Looper but they weren’t 30years apart just a year at least haha the difference is, the government track your every move kinda cool but privacy gone haha much like the cyberbill haha only…more public haha well anyway…the video~! this next one.. its about life =) it’s not really a short film for youtube but it has a nice message =D fuckyeah! optimism! =D this last one is an on-going webseries by MysteryGuitarMan so I’m not really done with it but it’s nice so far its called Meridian its something about time travel…but its not haha the guy(Orlando Jones) sees the past when he touches something but it can only happen if he’s wearing this amulet well anyway, here haha so yea here’s to hoping the videos would never be deleted haha